
Program Planning & Evaluation
  • Goal Setting
  • Issues Research
  • Outcomes Measurements
  • Program Analysis and Evaluation
  • Program Design
Program Development
Program Expansion
Program Needs Assessment

Designing and Managing Programs: An Effectiveness-Based Approach

 by Kettner, Moroney, and Martin

The Second Edition of Designing and Managing Programs takes the reader through the process of setting up and administering any kind of welfare initiative. Several sections have been enhanced with more targeted examples and illustrations, and the book incorporates budgeting systems.

Handbook of Practical Program Evaluation

by Joseph Wholey, Harry Hatry, and Kathryn Newcomer

More than ever before, the media, elected officials, and the public are demanding accountability from public and nonprofit organizations. But assessing the effectiveness of programs and services can be a time-consuming and costly process. In this comprehensive handbook, experts in the field of program evaluation outline efficient and economical methods of assessing program results and identifying ways to improve program performance.

Knowledge Advisory Group

Knowledge Advisory Group is a Richmond-based business whose mission is to provide tailored and flexible measurement solutions that improve decision-making, enhance efficiency, and demonstrate effectiveness.

Measuring the Performance of Human Service Programs

by Lawrence Martin and Peter Kettner

Social service providers are under increasing pressure to demonstrate that their programs work. Faced with this demand for greater accountability, providers are turning to performance measurement as a way of illustrating program efficiency, quality and effectiveness. The authors of this comprehensive volume discuss why and how performance measures have become an integral part of managing program in the social services. They explain the various types of performance measures including numeric counts, standardized measures and client satisfaction and assess their advantages and disadvantages. Case studies and exercises are a special feature of the book.

Social Work Macro Practice

by Netting, Kettner, and McMurtry

Social Work Macro Practice focuses on work with organizations and communities, including planned change approaches and implementation.