
Flashpoint Fund awards individual grants to nonprofits seeking services and training to build capacity within their organization.


We understand that every nonprofit is pressed for time and resources so we have made the Flashpoint Fund application process as simple as possible. You can review the eligibility requirements and application below or download all of the details our PDF.

Download PDF

Everything you need to know before applying in one handy PDF.

Who should apply?

Organizations seeking funds for capacity building purposes.

  • nonprofits
  • ministries
  • community organizations

Organizations should:

  • provide an essential and direct human need to the community
  • have 501 (c)(3) tax-exempt status (unless organization is in a start-up stage)
  • be operating on a budget of $500,000 or less
  • have an executive director in position for a minimum of one year
  • have a board of directors in position for a minimum of one year
  • be located in the Central Virginia region

Who should not apply?

  • Organizations seeking funds for general program costs. Organizations must be seeking funds for capacity building only.
  • Government entities (state or local governments)
  • Universities or colleges
  • Advocacy groups
  • Art and theater groups
  • Political candidates, campaigns or groups
  • Endowments or foundations
  • Individuals not associated with an organization

Additional details:

  • organizations may apply for one grant per year
  • organizations may re-apply every year (one year after first grant is received)
  • preference will be given to organizations who have not yet received a grant
  • organizations may re-apply for additional grants every year

Service Providers

At the Flashpoint Fund, one of our primary purposes is to award grants for the cost of trainers, consultants, coaches or other providers. We can either help you identify a provider for your organization or assign one based on your needs. Providers may include individuals, businesses and universities, or organizations that offer training, consulting or coaching. While it isn’t necessary to select a provider prior to submitting your grant proposal, one may be included. If including a provider, you must submit a resume or profile of the provider prior to the start date of the project.


If you want to select your own provider and need to know more about our provider criteria, message us and we’ll answer your questions.


We want to empower your organization, so we ask that you use this tool to identify area(s) for which your organization needs assistance most. We can then work together to match you with a service provider. Please don’t think of the assessment as a test and whether your organization will be judged by the results. This is only used to help you identify areas that might need strengthening and perhaps even areas you’ve never considered before. So just be honest and open with the questions.

Take the online assessment!

Use the results of the assessment to inform your application’s capacity building areas.

Award Amounts

The Flashpoint Fund will award grants in the range of $2,000-$3,000 per year to each accepted applicant. The amount will depend upon the scope of the grant application. Monies not utilized may be credited towards another project; therefore, funds may be used in a retainer format for up to one year from the original date granted. For example, if a three-day strategic planning session was conducted for $1,500, the grantee may spend the remaining funds ($1,500) towards any other capacity building need such as sending a staff member to a local training session, the purchase of resource books or computer software, etc. It is preferred that any of these expenditures also relate to your assessed need as well.

Ready To Get Started?

Before applying, please review the Flashpoint Fund eligibility requirements listed above.

Award Use

Funding is provided to cover the cost of trainers, consultants, coaches, and other capacity building providers. We believe capacity building is an imperative component of the long term sustainability and success of nonprofit organizations. Learn more about the areas of capacity building here.

  • Seek a creative agency that might assist with branding or graphic design work
  • Learn how to utilize social media by taking a class on the latest trends and techniques
  • Help solidify your future by working with an expert to create a business plan for your organization

Ready To Get Started?

Before applying, please review the Flashpoint Fund eligibility requirements listed above.

Project Report

We ask that everyone that receives a grant fill out a project report within a month after completion of the proposed project. The report will communicate to Flashpoint information learned and results gained from the project. If the project included creation of a plan (i.e. marketing, fundraising, or strategic plan) then submit the plan along with the project report as well.

Share your success story

We want to hear about how capacity building is helping your organization thrive! Complete your project report below.